I walked to the corner to catch the city bus to Kimironko terminus and then walked the last mile to Kibagabaga English Church. I figured I was getting close when I saw four little children

I had cabbage salad for lunch and then took a nap until my special Sabbath Treat!! I played the Autoharp for about 45 minutes until my treat was ready!!. 3:30 our time, 9:30 East Coast time, ,I Skyped my buddy Ken Willes who had set up his laptop, a camera and microphone @ the Collegedale Community Church, Collegedale TN. I got to have Sabbath School with my Realife class!!! Live!!! What a treat!!! I muted my microphone while we were singing and I played my autoharp because the time delay would have put my sounds about 0.5 seconds behind theirs. I'm sure the other house guests were wondering what was going on in my room. They set the laptop up on a chair and made my live image full screen. They forgot to bring the Hawaiian shirt though. I sat between Allison and Kelly. Periodically Kelly would turn the camera so I could see who was talking. I tried to look towards the person who was talking. That is when a person on Allison's side would talk I'd look at the wall to my right and when a person on Kelly & Shaloy's side would talk I'd look toward the closet and someone across the room talked I looked at the camera. I was trying to fit in :-) Thanks to my friends back home for going to the effort so that I could be included.... Wow that was nice!
I had gotten on Google Earth a while today to see
if I could find our guest house and did. I noticed that around the block (that's really a country block), there appeared to be a park in the middle of a huge roundabout. So before it got dark I went for a walk around the block and found a very very nice park. Until I learn the real name I'm going to call it "Roundabout Park" They have built and are building some beautiful modern buildings around the periphery which must have started after Google Earth took this image. The park was quite nice and I intend to make a regular place to walk to and enjoy.

I had gotten on Google Earth a while today to see

We visited for about 45 minutes while they dribble in one by one. They had spent the morning either @ church or the Kimironko market (their choice) and then met @ 12:30 to go to an orphanage to paint the walls and the kid's faces and entertain the kids. They had called and ordered their food before they left the orphanage, then drove back to the Iris, and most took showers (the reason for the dribbling in, , , as each finished getting cleaned up) and then the food came. Good thing they had called ahead!! That was over 1.5 hours from ordering to on the table!!

Dr. Konn asked if I could get supplies to add to what they have for Sunday's lunches and I go to get 10 cans of tuna, two loaves of bread 2 very large boxes of biscuits (cookies) and deliver it all back to the Iris and then catch a moto home. I think that when Jesus fed the 5,000 it might have been tuna fish, "'cause tuna goes a longggg waaayys, " Back at the guest house I get the other supplies; four large avocados, a bowl some salt a knife and a can opener. We've decided that they will be passing directly past our corner so I'll meet them there @ 5:30 with Philbert who will be getting their wash done while they are at the Akegera game park.

Dr. Konn asked if I could get supplies to add to what they have for Sunday's lunches and I go to get 10 cans of tuna, two loaves of bread 2 very large boxes of biscuits (cookies) and deliver it all back to the Iris and then catch a moto home. I think that when Jesus fed the 5,000 it might have been tuna fish, "'cause tuna goes a longggg waaayys, " Back at the guest house I get the other supplies; four large avocados, a bowl some salt a knife and a can opener. We've decided that they will be passing directly past our corner so I'll meet them there @ 5:30 with Philbert who will be getting their wash done while they are at the Akegera game park.

It was great having you in our Sabbath School class last week. I'm glad you had a great time at the game park yesterday.
Thanks for the heads up about comments.... I somehow had changed that setting.
Am enjoying your blogs but having difficulty keeping up with you. Loved the story of the cat milk. Reminded me of the "Meet the parents" scene where he talked about milking a cat. Dawn finished her Ladies Firearms Training Class so we are all walking around on egg shells. I don't see Nee very much. I wonder why?
Hey dad! It was cool getting to see you in sabbath school! I'm glad you got to join in. So you got to hang with some Americans for a while, that's cool! Are they Adventist?
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