The more stuff in the same amount of space, , , The more pressure.
So if Space = Time & Stuff = Tasks then
>Tasks x 1 week before departure = Mounting Pressure

- Tests administered, Grades turned in, Presentations heard and graded, Annual JRC-DMS Reports, Adjuncts aboard, Clinical Sites informed, Summer book orders in, Students successfully @ clinical sites, Shots and pills all successfully acquired and taken, Donations all shipped, Apologize for being gruff/rushed, PAR materials turned in, Planning day materials turned, Nominating committee, Praise time, Annual Advisory Committee, Skype connected and working, camera purchased, Densitometers & Sensitometers acquired and repaired if necessary, pack, Maintain cherub like demeanor, Marketing photo shoot, spend time with Shaloy, Clean the shop, Change the oil, clean out the e-mails, apologize for forgetting, Bids for new transducers, order computers, Reimbursement receipts to Heidi, ARDMS survey for SPI. I'm sure I must have missed something. Oh Yeah!! Update the Blog
And to think , , I've lectured to my students about maintaining margins!!
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