Leif , There will be several things going on.
- We will schedule time in the 2 main hospitals for you to work directly with the current technologists to hone their skills particularly in OB, abdomen and vascular. We will try to plan that you will scan with 2-3 techs as patients come in and schedule time in the afternoon to go over cases and lecture. Timing will have to be flexible here, because of the workload, room availability, etc.
- We would also like to do lecture and some hands on with current faculty that will need to eventually teach US.
- We would like to do a few days of lecture and films with current students so they get a good sense of what US is, because these will be the next generation of ultrasonographers - some will get formal education, but most will not.
- We would also like to provide physicians with 1-2 days - particular OB and instrumentation
- If we can, we would also like to do workshops with some of the other techs.
This information was followed by a more detailed schedule
- May 5th - arrive May 6th - orientation and tour of city and local hospital to meet staff
- May 7th through May 16- Teach technologists at CUHK (May 7, 8, 9, 12-16) - 8 days
- May 19 - May 23 & June 2 to June 6 - teach technolgists at King Faisal -10 days
- May 26 - 30 - teach current students basic instrumentation, scanning, etc. (5 days)
- June 9 & 10 - 2 day physician workshop (instrumentation & OB/ abd procedures)
- June 12 & 13 - general lecture on US for technologists (in conjunction with other Medical imaging lectures)
- June 16 to June 25 - teach KHI faculty US
So in case you were wondering , , , that's what I'll be doing.
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