Once back in the department, I see Pascal and we visit as a group together. They want to get the web address for the blog and I spend a bit of time showing them pictures. They seem to be interested in seeing pictures of my family. Pascal and I are going to be the primary team for sonography today with others coming in as they have time. Pascal held down the fort last time I was here so the others could learn and now it’s his turn. We take care of a couple of patients and get a bit of time to do some book work. Then another couple of patients and the OB/GYN doctor has brought 7 patients and he wants to "borrow the machine and room".
It took a bit to finish the exam but we eventually get done and move out. After his second case I asked him if I could observe. He was happy to let me and I was able to show him a couple of minor items where he could be a bit more efficient with the machine. I really enjoy performing OB exams. He seemed honestly happy to have another set of eyes. Pascal came back in and we would change the sheets and tried to help things along. The room setup isn’t very good for good posture and the Transvaginal exams really need a table with stirrups and a drop away bottom. I promised to bring him some of the information stuff that Sound Ergonomics had donated. He’s doing between 10 and 15 ultrasound exams per day and is certainly a candidate for Muskoloskeletal injury.
Once the first wave of OB/GYN patients were done we had some radiology sonography studies waiting. I was quite surprised when Dr. Sanoga suggested we should go to lunch as I thought it was a bit early. He assured me that if we didn’t get down to the cafeteria soon they would close as it was already 2 p.m.!! I’d been having such a good time scanning, working, teaching, helping that I’d totally lost track of time.

1 comment:
Leif, that is wonderful that you have Terry to visit with! I can only imagine how much fun you are having talking and exploring together. How long does he get to stay?
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