Friday, April 25, 2008

Pressure with 1 week to go

A principle of Physics, which I teach my students , , ,

The more stuff in the same amount of space, , , The more pressure.

So if Space = Time & Stuff = Tasks then

>Tasks x 1 week before departure = Mounting Pressure
  • Tests administered, Grades turned in, Presentations heard and graded, Annual JRC-DMS Reports, Adjuncts aboard, Clinical Sites informed, Summer book orders in, Students successfully @ clinical sites, Shots and pills all successfully acquired and taken, Donations all shipped, Apologize for being gruff/rushed, PAR materials turned in, Planning day materials turned, Nominating committee, Praise time, Annual Advisory Committee, Skype connected and working, camera purchased, Densitometers & Sensitometers acquired and repaired if necessary, pack, Maintain cherub like demeanor, Marketing photo shoot, spend time with Shaloy, Clean the shop, Change the oil, clean out the e-mails, apologize for forgetting, Bids for new transducers, order computers, Reimbursement receipts to Heidi, ARDMS survey for SPI. I'm sure I must have missed something. Oh Yeah!! Update the Blog

And to think , , I've lectured to my students about maintaining margins!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Those Great support folks

Organizations don't operate without those quiet hard working folks who do the tedium. Those quietly efficient folks who know what's going on and keep the ball rolling in the right direction. We have a bunch of people at Coosa Valley Technical College who work behind the scenes to make the place succeed.

Heidi Popham takes care of all things that have to do with the foundation. She also is learning the ropes of our accreditation compliance concerns.

MaryAnn Westmoreland has been working with me to figure out how to mail stuff to Africa (which has been more than a bit frustrating).

Friday, April 18, 2008

Now that was expensive!

The consultation and shots added up quick

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B Titre
  • Yellow Fever
  • Pills for Typhoid

  • Anti Malarials - Larium - for 2 weeks before, 8 weeks there and 4 weeks after I return.
  • 2 courses of Antibiotics to take with me
Next thing you know they ring it up and I've spent $420.

Plus some co-pay likely for the Hepatitis titre.


Monday, April 14, 2008

So what is it that I'll be doing??

A recent message from Dr. Konn outlined the expectations:

Leif , There will be several things going on.

  1. We will schedule time in the 2 main hospitals for you to work directly with the current technologists to hone their skills particularly in OB, abdomen and vascular. We will try to plan that you will scan with 2-3 techs as patients come in and schedule time in the afternoon to go over cases and lecture. Timing will have to be flexible here, because of the workload, room availability, etc.
  2. We would also like to do lecture and some hands on with current faculty that will need to eventually teach US.
  3. We would like to do a few days of lecture and films with current students so they get a good sense of what US is, because these will be the next generation of ultrasonographers - some will get formal education, but most will not.
  4. We would also like to provide physicians with 1-2 days - particular OB and instrumentation
  5. If we can, we would also like to do workshops with some of the other techs.

This information was followed by a more detailed schedule

  • May 5th - arrive May 6th - orientation and tour of city and local hospital to meet staff
  • May 7th through May 16- Teach technologists at CUHK (May 7, 8, 9, 12-16) - 8 days
  • May 19 - May 23 & June 2 to June 6 - teach technolgists at King Faisal -10 days
  • May 26 - 30 - teach current students basic instrumentation, scanning, etc. (5 days)
  • June 9 & 10 - 2 day physician workshop (instrumentation & OB/ abd procedures)
  • June 12 & 13 - general lecture on US for technologists (in conjunction with other Medical imaging lectures)
  • June 16 to June 25 - teach KHI faculty US

So in case you were wondering , , , that's what I'll be doing.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How you could help

If you'd like to join in this endeavor there are some ways you could help.

  • Rwanda is not using digital imaging or PACS. They still use processors and are in need of some sensitometers and densitometers.
  • I will be leaving my PowerPoint presentations with them for individualized study. (Remember the students can not afford personal books). If you have a PowerPoint on any sonography topic and it has the notes section completed for most of the slides you could send the file electronically and I'll then catalog yours with the others. I'll use while I'm there and leave it for their use when I'm gone.
  • If you have a sonography textbook or reference book that you'd be willing to part with, we'll send it (or you can send it directly).
  • If you'd like to help with cash, I'll use it to buy the sensitometers and densitometers.

I leave May 3. If you'd like to help and can get the items to me before the end of April and/or you'd like a receipt for tax purposes you can send them to:

Leif Penrose C/O Coosa Valley Technical College Foundation

One Maurice Culberson Dr.

Rome, Georgia 30161

Otherwise send to:

Terry Konn, PhD, RT

% John Ndahiriwe Kigali Health InstituteMedical Imaging Department

BP 3286Avenue de L'Armee

Kigali, Rwanda

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Voyage begins January 2, 2008

My Friend Eric Meaders forwarded an e-mail from the Radsci Listserv

To: Leif Penrose
Subject: Fwd: Re: [RadSci] Ultrasound in Rwanda

Looking to travel? Happy New Year!


"Hello Everyone,There is an opportunity for an experienced Ultrasound faculty member to travel with me to Rwanda, Africa. I am teaching radiography at the Kigali Health Institute in Kigali for the Spring semester. I am leaving next week. The Kigali Health Institute and the two Kigali Hospitals have opened an invitation to me to bring an Ultrasound faculty member along to teach radiographers how to perform ultrasound - abdominal/ vascular. I would say for a minimum of three weeks - 5 to 6 would be best. Travel could wait to early May if you need to wait until the semester in the U.S. is over.

The Institute is willing to pay for your airfare ($2400) plus provide you with a room in a guest house with other faculty for your stay and local transportation to and from the Institute/hospitals. You will need a passport and yellow fever immunization to enter Rwanda.
If anyone is interested please contact me immediately.

Thank you for your consideration. "

Terry M. Konn, Ph.D., R.T.
Brookdale Community College
Lincroft, N.J.
Fulbright ScholarRwanda, AfricaMedical Imaging